Tim created his Positivity Squadron as a source of strength and support for everyone that knew him. It was a direct reflection of the optimistic attitude, grateful outlook and caring nature that we all knew and were inspired by through Tim. We intend to perpetuate this spirit through various efforts and report upon them here. With your help, Tim’s Positivity Squadron will continue to spread hope and happiness to as many people as possible.
More Photos to Enjoy!
After a lengthy process of scanning thousands of film negatives, we are excited to announce that 350 new images have been added to Tim’s photography web page (timages). It really is amazing how much he left us with. The purpose of this site was always to share Tim’s photography with his friends and supporters. He really wanted people to be able to pick out a photo or two and enjoy them as a way to remember him. We have finally added a print delivery service to the website so you can now order any image you would like with various sizes to choose from.
We decided to take this a step further and use these photos to perpetuate Tim’s caring and generous spirit. All proceeds will go to a newly formed charity called Tim’s Positivity Squadron, Inc. We will then distribute the funds raised at the end of the year to multiple worthy causes that were close to Tim (Lymphoma research at Dana Farber & Mount Saint Vincent’s Nursing School to name a few). We hope that you will enjoy a photo for your home or office and feel good knowing that the purchase is ultimately helping others.
Nurse Jackie Running for Tim
Jackie MacNeil is a wonderful nurse at Brigham & Women’s hospital that cared not only for Tim, but the whole Morelli family in October of 2007. Her compassion during that time will never be forgotten. As he did with many people, Tim had a great effect on Jackie as well. She has joined the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training to run the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in Washington, DC on April 28th with Tim as an inspiration. We would like to thank Jackie for keeping Tim in mind and making a significant effort to raise funds to help find cures and better treatments for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma. Please follow this link to her donation page:
Boston Globe Articles - November 29, 2012
We have some exciting news that we think you will enjoy. The Boston Globe published two stories about Tim and his photography on November 29 in the South Section of the newspaper! We have to thank Mrs. Maria McKinnies for getting this process started. She nominated Tim's work to be displayed at The Art Gallery at South Shore Dermatology Physicians in Easton, MA (www.southshorederm.com/art_gallery.html). The exhibit will be running through March 2013.
Globe journalist Michele Bolton took an interest in Tim's story and thought it would make a good article. Thanks Michele!
For those of you not in the Boston area, you can see the article online at www.bostonglobe.com/south. Or follow these links: Article Part 1 // Article Part 2
Tim’s Photography Celebration at MV Photo Labs & Gallery in NYC
Thank You to MV Labs & Gallery
for hosting the celebration of Tim
and his black & white photography
We would also like to thank all the
Friends and family that made it such a special night.
As we stated on the Timages page, Tim wanted us to share his photography with all of his friends and supporters. He hoped that you would select your favorite(s) and keep them for your own. The digital photos displayed on this site are just a small percentage of the collection that Tim left for us to enjoy. As many of you know, he loved the creativity of his film camera and the art of developing his own images. The volume of negatives and prints that Tim gave us to share is delightfully overwhelming.
Tim requested that we use MV Photo Labs to make prints because of their tremendous skill in developing black & white images. It didn’t take long for us to find out that Jim Megargee and Cornelia van der Linde are much more than just great photo technicians. The care and thoughtfulness that they have shown in helping us archive all of Tim’s work is beyond description. This gallery celebration was all their idea and we are so grateful for this perfect vehicle for us to get together and appreciate Tim. It is really no surprise that Tim trusted MV Labs the most with his work.
Running for Timmy
Tim’s oldest brother, George Morelli, ran THE 2008 BOSTON MARATHON as a member ofThe Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training. The Team In Training organization raises funds every year to help stop lymphoma from taking more lives. George completed this event in memory and honor of Tim and all individuals who have and are battling blood cancers.
We don’t know which feat is more impressive:
- George finishing in an amazing 4 hours and 15 minutes in his first long-distance race of any kind on one of the toughest marathon courses
- More than doubling his fundraising goal by collecting over $26,600 in donations to help the fight against blood cancers.
We’d like to thank all of the contributors that helped raise that figure in support of George and in Memory of Tim.Congrats George – it was a spectacular day and your hard work will always be remembered.
Tim's Positivity Squadron in Action
It has truly been unbelievable to see the amount of generosity and giving that Tim's Positivity Squadron has generated for The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute / The Jimmy Fund / The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Tim’s memory.
On behalf of the Morelli Family we wanted to thank each and every one of the squadroneers who contributed. We are so proud that Tim inspired so many to go out of their way to help others. Just to give you an idea of the scale of this generosity: an estimated cumulative amount donated from all the different avenues tallies over $50,000!
We know that so many people have done special tributes to Tim in their own way,and they are all appreciated. We would like to send a special “Thank You” to:
♦ The Friends of Sean Donahue Golf Tournament
• Barbara & Mike Donahue • Charlie & The McKinnies Family • The Friends of Sean Donahue • All Participants & Sponsors
♦ The 12 Bens Christmas Party
• John & Mike Mannion • Joey Morrison • Sue Costello • Mark Loring • All Attendees
♦ Theresa Levy
• Rode the Pan-Mass Challenge in memory of Tim • Visit Her PMC Profile Here
♦ St. Sebastions
• Hockey • Lacrosse
♦ The B.C. High Community
Website Launch
It’s been a long time coming, but we are proud to finally announce the launching of Tim’s website. We are excited to share this with all of you and really want it to be a place to experience Tim. Through your stories, memories and photos, this site can be a great reflection of how many people Tim touched in his 27 years.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful people that helped make this a reality. Our talent scout, Kevin O’Brien worked with us the whole way through and put us in contact with the best people possible. Matt McGowan pulled our ramblings together and designed the entire layout better than we could have imagined. Finally, Gina Spalatro took Matty’s design and developed the site making sure that everything was exactly how we wanted it.
We couldn't have done it without these skilled and thoughtful friends. We are very grateful. Thank You.